FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. Does Academia provide transportation?
Yes, Academia School offers transportation services for students who demonstrate interest. The school has a fleet of school buses that ensures safe and convenient commuting for students.

2. Is Academia recognized by Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge Assessment examinations?
Yes, Academia School is recognized and approved by Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge Assessment, which are renowned examination boards. The school follows their curriculum and prepares students for their examinations, such as IGCSE and A-Level.

3. What is the average class size?
Academia School maintains a focus on providing personalized attention to students. The average class size is 15 students per section which allows for a conducive learning environment and individualized interaction between students and teachers.

4. How does Academia address learning differences?
Academia School provides support for students with learning differences through differentiated instruction and individualized support from teachers. 

5. How does Academia foster parent-teacher collaboration?
Academia School facilitates effective parent-teacher collaboration through regular communication channels, such as parent-teacher meetings and progress reports.

6. Does Academia offer scholarships or financial aid?
Academia School may offer partial tuition fee waivers to eligible students. These scholarships are generally based on academic merit.

7. How does Academia ensure a safe and secure environment for students?
Academia School prioritizes the safety and well-being of its students. The school implements appropriate security measures, CCTV surveillance, and trained staff members who are vigilant in maintaining a safe environment.