
Academia school was established in 2002 with the vision of providing a holistic and enriching educational experience to students in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Since its inception, the school has been dedicated to nurturing young minds, fostering a love for learning, and preparing students for a successful future. At Academia, we believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape a better society. We strive for academic excellence by providing a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that challenges and engages students at every level. Our philosophy is rooted in the following principles:


1. Academic Excellence: We strive for academic excellence by providing a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that challenges and engages students at every level. We believe in nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a thirst for knowledge that goes beyond the confines of textbooks.


2. Holistic Development: We recognize the importance of holistic development and aim to nurture students’ intellectual, emotional, physical, and social well-being. We provide a nurturing and inclusive environment that supports the individual needs and talents of each student, fostering personal growth and self-discovery.


3. Ethical Values: We instill in our students a strong sense of ethics, integrity, and moral values. We believe in nurturing responsible and compassionate individuals who make ethical choices and contribute positively to their communities.


4. Lifelong Learning: We foster a love for lifelong learning by cultivating curiosity, creativity, and a growth mindset. We encourage students to explore their interests, take risks, and embrace new challenges. Our aim is to equip them with the skills and mindset needed to adapt, innovate, and thrive in an ever-evolving world.


5. Partnership with Parents and Community: We value the partnership between the school, parents, and the wider community. We actively involve parents in their child’s education, fostering open communication and collaboration. We also engage with the community to create meaningful learning experiences and encourage students to become active contributors to society.